LGCT: Local-Global Collaborative Transformer for Fusion of Hyperspectral and Multispectral Images
SQformer: Spectral-Query transformer for hyperspectral image arbitrary-scale super-resolution
Scale Pyramid Graph Network for Hyperspectral Individual Tree Segmentation
A Center-masked Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Spatial-Temporal Siamese Convolutional Neural Network for Subsurface Temperature Reconstruction
Texture-aware self-attention model for hyperspectral tree species classification
AACNet: Asymmetric Attention Convolution Network for Hyperspectral Image Dehazing
Mixed Noise-Oriented Hyperspectral and Multispectral Image Fusion
Multiscale spatial–spectral transformer network for hyperspectral and multispectral image fusion
Graph-in-graph convolutional network for hyperspectral image classification
Multiattention generative adversarial network for remote sensing image super-resolution
Geographic Semantic Network for Cross-View Image Geo-Localization
A Semisupervised Siamese Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Multiview Spatial–Spectral Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification
3-D Gabor Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification
A Survey: Deep Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification with Few Labeled Samples
Flexible Gabor-based Superpixel-level Unsupervised LDA for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Deep Metric Learning-Based Feature Embedding for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Cascade superpixel regularized Gabor feature fusion for hyperspectral image classification
3-D Gaussian-Gabor feature extraction and selection for hyperspectral imagery classification
Collaborative representation-based multiscale superpixel fusion for hyperspectral image classification
Thin cloud removal from optical remote sensing images using the noise adjusted principal components transform
Spectral-Spatial Gabor Surface Feature Fusion Approach for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Multiple 3-D Feature Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Local Binary Pattern-Based Hy- perspectral Image Classification With Superpixel Guidance
A 3D Gabor phase-based coding and matching framework for hyperspectral imagery classification
An efficient superpixel-based sparse representation frame- work for hyperspectral image classification
Superpixel-based Multi-task Learning Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Three-Dimensional Local Binary Pat- terns for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Convolutional Neural Networks for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Gabor Cube Selection Based Multitask Joint Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
A Novel Ranking-Based Clustering Approach for Hyperspectral Band Selection
Spatial-Spectral-Combined Sparse Representation- based Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery
Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Using l1/2 Regularized Low-Rank Representation and Sparse Representation-based Graph Cuts
Gabor Feature-based Collaborative Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
A Two-Stage Feature Selection Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification Using Few Labeled Samples
Unsupervised Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification Without Manual Band Removal
Three-Dimensional Gabor Wavelets for Pixel-Based Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Hyper- spectral Unmixing Via L1/2 Sparsity Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
Spectral and spatial character-based hyperspectral unmixing
Spectral and Spatial Complexity-Based Hyperspectral Unmixing
MRF-ICA Mixture Models for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images
Multi-task embedded convolutional neural network for hyperspectral image classification
Statistical fusion-based transfer learning for hyperspectral image classification
2D Gabor-based Sparse Representation Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery
Extended Morphological Profile-based Gabor Wavelets for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Superpixel-Based Feature Extraction and Fusion Method for Hyper- spectral and LiDAR Classification
Multi-feature-based Decision Fusion Framework for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Gabor Wavelet Based Feature Extraction and Fusion for Hyperspectral and Lidar Remote Sensing Data
3D-Gabor-Based Feature Selection Via Enhanced Fast Density- Peak-Based Clustering
Multiscale superpixel-based fusion framework for hyper- spectral image classification
Transfer Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification by Using Correlation Alignment
Three-Dimensional Surface Feature for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Gabor phase feature-based hyperspectral imagery classification
A Gabor feature fusion framework for hy- perspectral imagery classification
Gabor feature based support vector guided dictionary learning for hyperspectral image classification
Gabor phase feature-based hyperspectral imagery classification
An Efficient Gabor Feature-based Multi-task Joint Support Vector Machines Framework for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Fuzzy Threshold-Based Uniform Local Binary Patterns For Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Superpixel-Level Sparse Representation-Based Classification For Hyperspectral Imagery
Three-Dimensional Local Binary Patterns For Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
An l1/2 Regularized Low-Rank Representation for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Gabor Feature Based Dictionary Fusion For Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
An enhanced density Peak-based Clustering approach for Hyperspectral Band selection
Band selection of hyperspectral imagery using a weighted fast density peak-based clustering approach
Hyperspectral Image Classification using Fisher criterion-based Gabor Cube Selection and Multi-task Joint Sparse Representation
Band Selection for Gabor Feature Based Hyperspectral Palmprint Recognition
Integration of Spatial and Spectral Information by Means of Sparse Representation-based Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery
A novel feature voting model for text classification
An effective Collaborative Representation Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Coding 3D Gabor Features for Hyperspectral Palmprint Recognition
A CW-SSIM Distance Measure-based Affinity Propagation for Hyper- spectral Band Selection
Band selection-based Gabor wavelet feature extraction for hyperspectral imagery classification
Minimum variance block-based nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm for hyperspectral unmixing
Memetic Ant Colony Optimization for Band Selection of Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Feature Selection Technique for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification with Noise Reduction Preprocessing
Feature Extraction and Selection Hybrid Algorithm for Hyperspectral Imagery Classification
Affinity propagation based memetic band selection on hyperspectral imagery datasets
Hierarchical Alternating Least Squares Algorithm With Sparsity Constraint For Hyperspectral Unmixing
Regularized Logistic Regression Method For Change Detection In Multispectral Data Via Pathwise Coordinate Optimization
L1/2 Sparsity Constrained Nonnega- tive Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
Sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with the Elastic Net
Band Selection Based Hyperspectral Unmixing
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Piecewise Smoothness Constraint for Hyperspectral Unmixing
Band Selection for Hyperspectral Imagery Using Affinity Propagation
A Complexity Constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Hyperspectral Unmixing
Improved Stone’s Complexity Pursuit for Hyperspectral Imagery Unmixing
MRF Based Spatial Complexity for Hyperspectral Imagery Unmixing
Segmental Semi-Markov Model Based Online Series Pattern Detection Under Arbitrary Time Scaling
An MRF-ICA Based Algorithm for Image Separation
An Advanced Segmental Semi-Markov Model Based Online Series Pattern Detection
A kernel fractional-step nonlinear discriminant analysis for Pattern Recognition
A hybrid online series pattern detection algorithm
Robust feature extracted by the generalized optimal discriminant vectors for face recognition
Modified kernel-based nonlinear feature extraction
Markov Model Based Time Series Similarity Measuring
1.   贾森 , 沈琳琳 , "一种高光谱遥感图像的分类方法及其系统" , 中国 , 申请号:201610169168.4 , (已授权)
2.   贾森 , 胡杰 , 谢瑶 , 沈琳琳 , "基于三维Gabor特征选择的高光谱遥感图像分类方法及系统" , 中国 , 申请号:201610055913.2 , (已授权)
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3.   贾森 , 胡杰 , 邓琳 , "一种高光谱遥感图像特征提取和分类方法及其系统" , 中国 , 申请号:201610935700.9 , (已授权)
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4.   贾森 , 邓彬 , "基于超像素级信息融合的高光谱图像的分类方法及系统" , 中国 , 申请号:201610810465.2 , (已授权)
5.   贾森 , 邓琳 , 沈琳琳 , "一种高光谱遥感图像分类方法及装置" , 中国 , 申请号:201710266000.X , (实质审查阶段)
6.   贾森 , 吴奎琳 , 朱家松 , 邓琳 , "高光谱遥感图像的特征提取方法及装置" , 中国 , 申请号:201710800249.4 , (实质审查阶段)
7.   贾森 , 张萌 , 朱家松 , 邬国锋 , "一种基于无人机的数据处理的方法及装置" , 中国 , 申请号:201810676795.6 , (实质审查阶段)
8.   贾森 , 邓彬 , 朱家松 , 李清泉 , "一种图像融合分类的方法及装置" , 中国 , 申请号:201811146961.8 , (实质审查阶段)
9.   朱家松 , 杨昊坤 , 李清泉 , 贾森 , 林志杰 , 王志豪 , "基于深度学习的胶囊机器人排水管病害检测方法及系统" , 中国 , 申请号:CN201911173225.6 , (实质审查阶段)
10.   李清泉 , 王欢 , 贾森 , "一种壁画图像修复方法、系统及存储介质" , 中国 , 申请号:CN201910956008.8 , (实质审查阶段)
11.   朱家松 , 赵晴晴 , 贾森 , "车辆队列协同行驶方法及相关装置" , 中国 , 申请号:CN202010032807.9 , (已授权)
12.   朱家松 , 赵晴晴 , 贾森 , "狭窄道路多车协同行驶方法及相关装置" , 中国 , 申请号:CN202010033573.X , (实质审查阶段)
13.   贾森 , 詹樟伟 , 邓琳 , 徐萌 , "基于尺度自适应滤波的高光谱和LiDAR联合分类方法" , 中国 , 申请号:202011353979.2 , (等待实审提案)
14.   贾森 , 赵晴晴 , 徐萌 , "高光谱图像分类方法及相关设备" , 中国 , 申请号:202011144440.6 , (一通出案待答复)
15.   贾森 , 江树国 , 邓彬 , "基于图中图卷积网络的高光谱图像分类方法" , 中国 , 申请号:202111509923.6 , (等待实审提案)